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更新日期:2021-11-04 12:39:34  來源:tokeny.cn




本年的第一個諾獎發(fā)布了!北京時刻2021年10月4日17時30分許,美國生理學家戴維·朱利葉斯(David Julius)和美國分子生物學家阿爾代姆·帕塔普蒂安(Ardem Patapoutian)因發(fā)現(xiàn)溫度和觸覺感受器取得2021年諾貝爾生理學或醫(yī)學獎。








精讀原文標題:Two Americans win Medicine Nobel for work on heat and touchAmerican scientists David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian won the 2021 Nobel Prize for Medicine on Monday for the discovery of receptors in the skin that sense temperature and touch and could pave the way for new pain-killers.美國科學家戴維·朱利葉斯(David Julius)和阿爾代姆·帕塔普蒂安(Ardem Patapoutian)周一取得了2021年諾貝爾醫(yī)學獎,因為他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了皮膚中感知溫度和觸覺的受體(感受器),并或許為新式止痛藥研討拓荒路途。?精讀解析:[段解]這句話看著有點長,其實便是一個主語和并排的兩個謂語,A和B won the prize … and could pave the way… 在第一個謂語告知了兩位諾獎得主獲獎的狀況,第二個謂語告知了這一獎項的未來影響和展開:可用于止痛藥的研討。1、receptor /r??sept? / n.[釋義]a nerve ending which receives information about changes in light, heat etc and causes the body to react in particular ways 感受器;受體*看到這個詞很難不想到receive, 動詞“接納”的意思,這個是-or結束,顯著是名詞,也便是接納的人/物體 ——受體。在高中生物中就講到過這個“受體”的概念,日子中比較了解的或許便是胰島素受體,跟糖尿病有關[調配]insulin receptor n. 胰島素受體依據(jù)維基百科:受體,又稱受器、接納器,是一個生物化學上的概念,指一類能傳導細胞外信號,并在細胞內發(fā)生特定效應的分子。發(fā)生的效應或許僅在短時刻內持續(xù),比方改動細胞的代謝或許細胞的運動。也或許是長效的效應,比方上調或下調某個或某些基因的表達。受體經(jīng)過與特定的配體結合而感知到細胞外的信號。本次獲獎的研討便是跟受體休戚相關,所以這個詞一定要記下,或許是考研或許CATTI的熱點話題。2、clear/pave/open/prepare etc the way (for something)[釋義]to make it possible for something to happen or develop later (為某事物)掃清路途/鋪平路途/拓荒路途/創(chuàng)造條件等比方經(jīng)濟學人本年五月刊的一個標題實習醫(yī)生格蕾 第十四季Grey's Anatomy Season 14 第22集


精讀原文Their work, carried out independently, has helped show how humans convert the physical impact from heat or touch into nerve impulses that allow us to "perceive and adapt to the world around us," the Nobel Assembly at Sweden's Karolinska Institute said.他們的獨立展開的研討像咱們展現(xiàn)了人體是怎么把熱量或是觸感帶來的物理影響轉化成神經(jīng)脈沖,使咱們能夠 "感知和習慣咱們周圍的國際",引證瑞典卡羅林斯卡學院的諾貝爾大會的話說。?精讀解析: 1、carry out[釋義]to do something that needs to be organized and planned 進行[例句]A survey is now being carried out nationwide.正在全國范圍內進行一項民意調查。新聞編輯室 第二季The Newsroom Season 2 第6集: 剩余的一步 One Step Too Many2、convert /k?n'v??t/ v.[釋義]to change something into a different form, or to change something so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way 使改動;使轉化;使改造[調配]convert something to/into something[例句]The stocks can be easily converted to cash.這些股票變現(xiàn)很便利。破產(chǎn)姐妹 第五季 2 Broke Girls Season 5 第18集: And the Loophole


精讀原文"This knowledge is being used to develop treatments for a wide range of disease conditions, including chronic pain." "這一常識正被用于開發(fā)包含緩慢痛苦在內的各種疾病的醫(yī)治辦法。"?精讀解析:1、range/re?nd?/[釋義]a number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type 一系列[例句]The drug is effective against a range of bacteria.這種藥對一系列細菌有用2、chronic/'kr?n?k/ adj.[釋義]a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured 〔疾病〕緩慢的,長時刻的*這個詞不只能夠用來指“久病不愈”,還能夠指一些長時刻存在的問題[釋義]a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved 〔問題〕長時刻的[例句]There is a chronic shortage of teachers.長時刻存在師資缺少的問題。 [調配]chronic alcoholic/gambler etc 長時刻酗酒/沉浸賭博等的人犯罪心理 第八季Criminal Minds Season 8第14集: 雨打風吹去 All That Remains


精讀原文Patapoutian, who was born in 1967 to Armenian parents in Lebanon and moved to Los Angeles in his youth, learnt of the news from his father as he had been out of contact by phone. 帕塔普蒂安于1967年出生在黎巴嫩,爸爸媽媽是亞美尼亞人,在他小時分家里搬到了洛杉磯。因為他的電話一向打不通,他是后來從父親那里得知了這個音訊。?精讀解析:1、learn 不只要學習的意思,還有“得知”的意思,在這兒便是表明是得悉自己獲獎的音訊。[釋義]to find out information or news by hearing it from someone else or reading it 得悉,得知,聽到[調配]learn of/about[例句]He learned about his appointment by telephone yesterday.昨日他從電話里得知自己被錄用的音訊。*表明“得知”這個意思時相當于discover, 而且還能夠接從句[例句]She was surprised to learn that he was a lot older than she had thought.她驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn),他比她以為的要年長許多。2、手機失聯(lián) out of contact by phone


精讀原文"In science many times it is the things we take for granted that are of high interest," he said of winning the more than century-old prize, which is worth 10 million Swedish crowns ($1.15 million)."在科學范疇,許多時分,咱們以為天經(jīng)地義的作業(yè)才是最有意義的,"他在談到贏得這個超越一個世紀的獎項時說,該獎項價值1000萬瑞典克朗(115萬美元)。?精讀解析:1、take somebody/something for granted[釋義]to expect that someone or something will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are 視或人/某事為天經(jīng)地義〔而對其不注重〕電鋸驚魂7 Saw 3D: The Final Chapter


精讀原文He is credited for finding the cellular mechanism and the underlying gene that translates a mechanical force on our skin into an electric nerve signal.他因發(fā)現(xiàn)了將咱們皮膚上的機械力轉化為電神經(jīng)信號的細胞機制和決議基因此遭到稱譽。?精讀解析:1、cellular/'selj?l?/ adj.[釋義]consisting of or relating to the cells of plants or animals 由細胞組成的,細胞的*cell是細胞的意思,這兒是它的形容詞,除了表明“細胞的”,這個詞跟咱們手機的網(wǎng)絡也有關[釋義]connected with a phone system that works by radio instead of wires(無線電話)蜂窩狀的[調配]a cellular network蜂窩式網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)2、underlying/??nd??la?-??/ adjunderlying cause/principle/problem etc[釋義]the cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed 底子的原因/準則/問題等*下次想說底子原因的時分不要直奔root或許base了,underlying 能夠考慮一下。除此之外,還能夠表明“潛在的”,依據(jù)字面的under和lie, 跟中文的“暗潮涌動”有異曲同工之妙。咱們來看幾個例句感受一下[例句]There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train.有一種潛在的假定,以為年青一些的雇員簡略訓練.硅谷 第三季 Silicon Valley Season 3 第2集: Two in the Box3、translate [釋義]to change something, or be changed, from one form into another (使)改動,(使)改變*在上文中咱們講到了convert, 在此處是贊同替換,防止屢次重復顯得行文單調。咱們所了解的是它表明“翻譯”的意思,可是它也有改動的意思,而翻譯自身也是一個在兩種言語之間轉化的進程。[調配]translate (something) into something[例句]Jokes often don’t translate well into print.笑話變成文字往往就不好笑了。日子大爆炸 第十二季 The Big Bang Theory Season 12 第5集: 天文館之爭 The Planetarium Collision


精讀原文"(For) us being in the field of sense, touch and pain, this was the big elephant in room where we knew they existed, we knew they did something very different," he said.他說:“(對)咱們在感覺、觸覺和痛苦范疇,這是眾所周知卻罕見提及的問題,咱們知道它們的存在,咱們知道它非同尋常。”?精讀解析:*在這兒講者用了一個非常有意思的俗話,其實不太好翻譯,可是非常形象,咱們來看一下英文解說:the elephant in the (living) room[釋義]an important subject or problem that everyone knows about but no one mentions 眾所周知卻被故意逃避的問題[例句]The race issue is the elephant in the room in this election.在這次推舉中,重要的種族問題被故意逃避了。咱們這一天 第四季This Is Us Season 4 第7集: 晚餐和約會 The Dinner and the Date


精讀原文New York-born Julius, 65, is a Professor at University of California, San Francisco (UCFS), after earlier work at Columbia University, in New York.出生于紐約的朱利葉斯現(xiàn)年65歲,是加州大學舊金山分校的教授,此前他曾在紐約的哥倫比亞大學作業(yè)。?精讀解析:[段解]本段沒有什么難點,可是咱們能夠學習一下這個表達方式?!俺錾凇敝苯佑昧恕俺錾?born”,關于一些咱們都耳熟能詳?shù)拇蟪鞘?,咱們也能夠測驗這樣的表達辦法。主句便是一個簡略的主系表,可是經(jīng)過一個after又告知了之前的閱歷,在時刻狀語中帶出來過往閱歷,防止了再獨自成句,結構緊湊而簡練。


精讀原文His findings were inspired by his fascination for how natural products can be used to probe biological function and he used capsaicin, the molecule that makes chili peppers spicy by simulating a false sensation of heat, to understand the skin's sense of temperature.他的研討結果是受他對怎么使用天然產(chǎn)品來勘探生物功用的癡迷所啟示,他使用辣椒素(辣椒之所以辣便是因為辣椒素激發(fā)了一種虛偽的熱感)來了解皮膚對溫度的感知。?精讀解析:1、Capsaicin /k?p'se??s?n/ n. 辣椒素咱們來看一下維基百科上的界說:Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) is an active component of chili peppers, which are plants belonging to the genus Capsicum. It is a chemical irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact.2、molecule/?m?l?kju?l/ n.[釋義]the smallest unit into which any substance can be divided without losing its own chemical nature, usually consisting of two or more atoms 分子[例句]The molecules of oxygen gas contain just two atoms.氧分子中只要兩個原子。*這段這是有兩個生詞,可是估計在這次獲獎之后,咱們將會常常在遍地看到辣椒素這個詞。早記住早知道。


精讀原文The Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, shared in equal parts this year by the two laureates, often lives in the shadow of the Nobels for literature and peace, and their sometimes more widely known recipients.本年的諾貝爾生理學或醫(yī)學獎由兩位獲獎者平分。這一獎項常常存在于諾貝爾文學獎與和平獎及其有時更廣為人知的獲獎者的暗影之下。?精讀解析:[段解]這段話從獲獎狀況跳出來,為諾貝爾醫(yī)學獎仗義執(zhí)言,寫得實際又心酸。的確,諾貝爾文學獎的取得者往往是咱們早就熟知的大作家,因為涉及到文學這個咱們都比較感興趣的范疇,所以往往是最受注目的一個類別。襯托之后,下一段就要轉機了。1、laureate /?l??ri?t/ n.[釋義]someone who has been given an important prize or honour, especially the Nobel Prize 重要獎項〔尤指諾貝爾獎〕取得者*諾獎得主除了用winner之外,還有這樣美的一個詞,當然也能夠指其他獎項的取得者。除了這個場合,咱們還比較了解的這個詞的場景便是文學范疇的“桂冠詩人”[調配]poet laureate[釋義]a poet who is chosen by a king, queen, president etc to write poems on important national occasions 桂冠詩人11精讀原文But medicine has been thrust into the spotlight by the COVID-19 pandemic, and some scientists had suggested those who developed coronavirus vaccines could be rewarded this year or in coming years.可是醫(yī)學現(xiàn)已被疫情推到了聚光燈下,一些科學家曾主張,那些開發(fā)冠狀病毒疫苗的人能夠在本年或未來幾年內得到這一獎項。?精讀解析:*前文說完諾貝爾醫(yī)學獎有時不如文學耀眼。可是結合當下,疫情暴虐,咱們關于醫(yī)學史無前例的重視。有些科學家猜想這一獎項本年會頒發(fā)疫苗團隊也是情理之中。事實上,這個研討也跟疫情中人們的感覺有關,因為他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了與熱量和觸覺有關的感受器,才解說了擁抱時咱們感遭到溫暖的生理學原理。疫情之下或許好久都沒有跟朋友和家人擁抱過了,這一項研討也有自己的浪漫在其間。1、thrust/θr?st/ v.[釋義]to push something somewhere roughly 猛推,猛塞*這兒用這個詞首要表達一種出人意料的重視,取英文解說中的比較“猛”和力度很大的意義,非常形象。就好像是硬塞給你,讓人手足無措。[例句]She never enjoyed the fame that was thrust upon her.她歷來都不喜愛強加于她身上的名聲。所以為什么諾獎發(fā)了一百多年還發(fā)不完呢?據(jù)報道,實際上,諾貝爾的遺產(chǎn)開端只要約3100萬瑞典克朗。但從1901年公布諾貝爾獎開端(至今現(xiàn)已120年),獎金不光沒有發(fā)完反而越發(fā)越多,這是為什么呢? 依據(jù)諾貝爾遺言,其留下的3100萬克朗其實并不直接用于獎金,而是用于出資理財,其間每年90%的收益會用于評獎事宜。在諾貝爾基金會建立初期,為防止有危險的出資,基金會將資金徹底出資于銀行存款和公債上,可是因為通貨膨脹和貨幣貶值,50多年后基金會財物丟失了將近60%。 1953年,諾貝爾基金會開端出資股市和不動產(chǎn),股票牛市盛行以及房地產(chǎn)的大熱,使得諾貝爾基金快速增值。到2019年,諾貝爾基金會出資市值已超越49億瑞典克朗,獎金數(shù)額也跟著基金會的出資收益不斷改變。 1901年,諾貝爾獎開端的獎金數(shù)額約為15萬瑞典克朗,到了202年,其數(shù)額已達到1000萬克朗。 依照諾貝爾的志愿,諾貝爾獎的獎金金額應確保一位教授20年不拿薪水仍能持續(xù)從事研討。
